Amethyst Equine website, logo and branding
Amethyst Equine
Project Brief:
Tight deadline: Website built for simplicity and future expansion
Client requested textured sections, bright colours, use of circles
Let's Take This Outside
Project Brief (Ongoing Client):
On-brand, outdoor theme
Client requests bio and link to latest podcast guest, Parks Canada section, preview of upcoming podcast guests, upcoming events, sponsors to be included

Practice With Lydia
Project Brief (Ongoing Client):
Creation of assets to engage audience and support branding
Newsletter creation twice monthly
Client requests copy edits, practice calendar creation to be inserted into newsletter, branding
Client also requests occasional event poster creation
Julie Seibt
Project Brief (Repeat Client):
Must use details provided
QR code creation

Mary Anne Ivison
Project Brief (Ongoing Client):
Website creation and updates utilizing current branding
SEO research and utilization in copy